But it's still amazing, huh? Praise God for creating things like this!
The last picture is of Joseph Tollefson. All of the photos in this post we're taken on the Barretos' property in Union County yesterday. There was a birthday party there for Mrs. Bakker and Mrs. Barreto, who are both to turn 50 shortly.
Some of you readers may know of Trinity Bible Church's annual Bike Trip. I took this photo on the Bike Trip this year, and I really like it.
I chose that title because that's what it made me think of. I'm not sure exactly how it symbolized servanthood, learning, and fellowship, but it still looks cool.
I'm interested in a great many things but not very good at many. I'm shy. I'm quiet when I want to be. And I want to be a hacker. And this is probably going to be out of date since I don't use Blogger much anymore.
Yeah, it's totally out of date. Go see Overanalyze.