Attention! Blog abandoned until further notice. In lieu of it, check out my Flickr. More info.

Friday, November 30, 2007


So, do any of you ever download any of my photos?

To download them, I wouldn't advise just right clicking on the pictures on the blog and saving them there. They are just smaller versions generated by Blogger for the web page. However, clicking on a picture will take you to the original size version, which is what you probably want to download (right click, save image as). Or, you can right click on the picture on the blog and choose save link as. That should save the original image.


This is Sheri Swindell (is that spelled right?) and Hunter Ellis at their wedding this August.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Here's Things

No, it's not a picture. Sorry. ;-)

It was beautiful day here in Lostine. We have approximately six to seven inches of snow. It's snowing lightly right now.

My camera was sent to Canon today for repair since it developed a hot pixel(s). It should be back before we leave in our Christmas trip, so I can take photos on vacation! Yay! I might take my laptop with me, so I could post on vacation...

Thanks for your comments, friends. They make photography funner.

Domain Remix

Saturday, November 24, 2007


This was taken at the Joseph Canyon Overlook.

Here is the 16:10 widescreen crop.

Tell me what you think. And, you might download one of them (probably the aspect ratio correct for your screen ;-) and set it as your background. I think it looks pretty good there. How about you?

Friday, November 16, 2007

the lamppost

This was taken on Febuary 10, 2007 at the Hurleys'.

Monday, November 5, 2007

to be wide or not to be wide

As you can see, the pictures are different ratios today. One is in the traditional 4:3 ratio (the top one) and the other is in 16:10 widescreen, a favored ratio for widescreen computer displays.

I have to credit the user Express at this thread on Neowin Forums for this stuff, although I changed the formula around to convert from widescreen to 4:3.

So, here we go:

Converting 4:3 to 16:10 widescreen

your widescreen screen height (for instance, mine is 800 pixels) times the width of the 4:3 photo
now divide that number (the product) by your widescreen screen width (mine is 1280 pixels)
this number is what the new height of the photo needs to be to be to correct aspect ratio.
The widescreen ratio we're talking about is 16:10, or 1.6. Fire up your favorite editor that will allow you to do this precisely (I use the GIMP for this) and crop the height to the number you got. Your editor may show you the ratio you're getting as you crop it. However, I advise using this as a second reference and going for precise pixel values.

Converting widescreen to 4:3

I did this with a 16:9 widescreen photo my camera took (Dworshak Dock), but I think it would work for 16:10 images too.

your 4:3 screen height (for instance 1024 pixels) times the width of the widescreen photo
now divide that number (the product) by your 4:3 screen width (say 768 pixels)
this number is what the new height of the photo needs to be to be to correct aspect ratio.

Feel free to ask questions.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Flowers from the past

These are my mom's sunflowers from this summer. I used a Filtered Black and White effect in Picasa2.


December 11, 2008: This post is now not applicable. I have switched over to the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Details posted here.

Simply put, my work is available under the Free Art License.

Therefore, feel free to use my work. Please do not claim it as you own, though. If you do use it, you don't have to notify me, but I would be thrilled to know someone was using my work. =^)

A small note, however. Sometimes stuff from other people is posted here. This stuff is not released under the Free Art License unless it is so stated.