Attention! Blog abandoned until further notice. In lieu of it, check out my Flickr. More info.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
This was taken at the Joseph Canyon Overlook.
Here is the 16:10 widescreen crop.
Tell me what you think. And, you might download one of them (probably the aspect ratio correct for your screen ;-) and set it as your background. I think it looks pretty good there. How about you?
I'm interested in a great many things but not very good at many. I'm shy. I'm quiet when I want to be. And I want to be a hacker. And this is probably going to be out of date since I don't use Blogger much anymore.
Yeah, it's totally out of date. Go see Overanalyze.
those are really awesome! very nicely done...
those are beautiful.
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